Investment Process


We are flexible and provide clients with the individual attention they deserve.

Value Investment Professionals uses a multi-step investment process to develop effective, customized solutions that foster prudent and sensible investment decisions. 

An asset allocation plan, driven by risk tolerance and goals, centrally guides major investment decisions.

Portfolios are typically comprised of a mix of broadly diversified holdings and select concentrated, fundamentally compelling investments. All concentrated investments are vetted through a rigorous process analyzing the business, financials, and management team.


We begin with a comprehensive review of each investor’s assets, debts, goals, and values.

This process enables us to answer questions, address specific investment concerns, and tailor an individualized Investment Policy Statement. The resulting asset allocation plan creates a starting point. Once the plan is implemented, we monitor the portfolio and regularly conduct reviews in case our clients’ circumstances change.

Our portfolio strategy utilizes a modified Treynor-Black approach. This approach is designed to capture the market return, while enhancing the portfolio through superior risk-adjusted individual picks.  We are not short-term traders, but rather take a long-term strategic view, considering the universe of investable assets. Client portfolios are usually comprised of diverse allocations in traditional asset classes.  We also sometimes integrate unique alternatives based on individual needs.


We perform our own research to analyze companies and do not rely on third party sources for our investment decisions.

We utilize a four-step process to find high-quality companies trading at inexpensive prices. First, we look at a business through the lens of an operator to determine quality.  Then, we analyze the company’s financials to better understand its economic model.  Next, we evaluate management to gain perspective on how internal decisions will be made.  Last, we value the enterprise to quantify whether current prices present an appropriate margin of safety.  We are patient and disciplined when deploying investor capital.